Your customer service team needs to know this.

The work of our customer service and support team is not easy. The team should have extensive knowledge about your company’s products and services, as well as soft skills such as assertive communication and patience, but…What if your support team doesn’t know the answer to a query?

How to respond to a customer if I have no solution to their query.

At some point we may be in a situation where we do not know the solution to a consultation. Therefore, I ask you to read these tips carefully to provide a better customer service.

Watch the conversation carefully.

Some clients may not know how to express themselves properly, and they’re likely to get you into an unclear conversation, but don’t hurry. If confusion is created, carefully review the conversation to understand with greater clarity what the user is communicating and respond with tranquility. Can you not understand? This leads us to the next type.

Ask questions

Do not hesitate, it is always valuable that you ask questions to deepen the situation, obtain data and have a greater understanding of the problem or query. This shows the user that you are paying attention, and although you are not fully understanding, you are doing your best to it.

Don’t forget to ask your friends. Customer care does not have to be a solitary job and it is always a good idea to ask who can know more than you or has already solved similar queries

Focus on the information you can provide.

No one knows everything in this life, it is valid that you encounter situations that you cannot solve. For these occasions, it is important to redirect your attention to what YOU can give. Even if it is only part of the consultation, the customer’s tranquility lies in not communicating with a “everything or nothing” mindset. Giving a partial answer to your query is always better than taking longer to answer at all.

Do not lie!

This never goes well. Lying to your customers should never be an option, transparency and honesty are highly valued in the world today. If you do not know something, be honest, say you are not informed about it and that you are doing your best to get that information you are missing.

Redirects only when necessary.

This point is important. You shouldn’t hold a user back and turn around on a topic you already know you can’t solve, but you should also not get rid of any customer just because it’s not explained well or have it from call in wait to call in waiting. Try everything possible to good communication, if you identify that the problem needs to be dealt with in another department, and it is necessary to redirect the customer to the area where they will solve their problem, then do so.

Check previous documents and tickets

It is very likely that the problem you are solving has already been solved by another agent. If there is a good documentation protocol in your company, you can rely on it to find a solution. If previous solutions have not been documented, you can review similar tickets that have been resolved and have them as a guide.

You are a valuable employee!

With all these tips, what we want to transmit from MelonHelp, is that you are valuable, and your position does not belong to having absolutely all the information and all the answers. Always remember that respect, sincerity and assertivity are your best allies.

Do not forget that you can claim your MelonHelp FREE trial here and leave us in the comments that other tips you could give your customer service team 👇

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